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About Verified Link:

Verified Link is the first secure link shortening service that helps users find out what they are going to access before actually loading destination address in user's browser.

Our intelligent automated system along with an advanced websites database assures the content that is being loaded, additionally offering destination categories for shortened links (video, audio, documents, downloads...) which are added to shortened URL so that destination content type is known just by a glance at the link.

Say goodbye to infected and fake dangerous sites and be welcomed to a safer internet!


Q: Does it cost money to shorten my links?
A: Not at all! Our service is absolutely free but you can benefit of our Premium features as well.

Q: Why would I use this site rather than other link shorteners?
A: Our site helps you identify what you are going to access with a descriptive tag in the link informing the content type of destination.

Q: What descriptive tags does Verified Link offer?
A: The tags we currently have are enough to categorize any available content type all over the internet, such as audio, video, documents, images, downloads, social networks... We are always listening at users' suggestions so feel free to contact us if you have new tag ideas.

Q: Does this service actually work just reading destination link to verify it?
A: Not really. Destination assurance is made by our secret intelligent software which is permanently browsing websites in order to categorize them based on their content, not just on the website name or address.

Q: What happens with direct links to files? Are they verified?
A: Of course! Our security engine also analyzes files direct links assuring file formats to protect you from infected files or spoofed extensions.