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Shorten your link:

By using our services, you are agreeing to Verified Link’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Safety in 2024

Verified Link is the first secure link shortening service that helps users find out what they are going to access before loading destination address.

An intelligent automated system assures the content that is being loaded, showing destination categories for shortened links (video, audio, documents...) added to the shortened URL so that destination content type is known just by a glance at the link.

Easier and faster

Shortened URLs are automatically categorized by type depending on destination content. All links show a different tag for each type of content (/img, /vid, /doc...) for a better safety and an esaier, faster use.

Accessing any shortened link will always load an intermediate redirection page showing the actual destination URL. This allows to close the page before being redirected, or skipping check if desired.

Gaming Perfection

Gaming communities, private gaming servers, Discord channels... These are very commonly shared links which can often change. Verified Link is the best solution to easily share and secure links for any gaming content or server and edit them when needed.

The perfect combination comes when expanding these capabilities with advanced analytics and all the Premium features.

Become Premium

Verified Link can be used to secure links for free, however you can get an improved experience by becoming a Premium member and enjoy extra features:
- Custom brands URLs
- Advanced links analytics
- Links QR Codes
- 99.9% uptime guaranteed
- Personalized support

Check out all Premium features and pricing.